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Iguaçu Celulose, Papel S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



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The papers produced by Imaribo Group industrial units are famous for their multifunctionality and high technological standards. <br><br>One of the most popular types both in Brazil and abroad is the Kraft paper. Produced with four specifications to meet the most demanding kinds of packaging, they are renowned worldwide.<br><br>Our paper lines are:<br> Kraft Paper: <br> Extensible Sack Kraft paper, 70 to 100 g/m²: Product goes through a high consistency refining process, with excellent porosity combined with high TEA (traction energy absorption) test.<br> Natural Kraft paper, 80 to 100 g/m²: Product with high physical and mechanical resistance and excellent finishing that assures final product optimal quality.<br> Kraft Mix 35 to 49 g/m²: High gloss product with optional moisture resistance and excellent finishing, it meets food packaging requirements.<br> Natural Kraft paper, 35 to 40 g/m²: Product with high physical and mechanical resistance, excellent finishing and suitable machine adaptation, it meets food packaging requirements.<br><br> White Paper: Paper made of 100\% bleached hardwood pulp. Its physical and mechanical features combined with low absorption and rigid porosity control allow excellent performance in laminating and waxing with optimal conversion machine performance and high level of printing definition.<br><br> OTC Paper: Made of 100\% unbleached hardwood pulp. Excellent composition and high resistance to air that, combined with low absorption, prevents ink migration and assures product high quality.<br><br> Special Papers:<br>- Finish Foil: Made of 100\% bleached or unbleached hardwood pulp, with rigid control of porosity, absorption and fiber distribution.<br>- Grease Resistant Kraft: Made of 100\% unbleached hardwood pulp, with high physical and mechanic resistance and rigid control of porosity and absorption.<br>- Stainless Steel Interleaving: Made of 100\% unbleached hardwood pulp, with neutral pH and rigid control of stains and sand, which protects surface against handling impacts.<br>- Siliconizing Base: Made of 100\% bleached hardwood pulp, with rigid control of porosity, absorption, providing a high quality product.

  • paper

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Iguaçu Celulose, Papel S.a.

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Business type

  • pulp paper cellulose celulose cardboard multiwall paper sacks

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Commercial ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker São José dos Pinhais / PA | Brazil

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