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Guerreiro Ind Com Imp Exp Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

For 35 years, Têxtil Guerreiro has grown and prioritizing the search for quality products, always open to new market trends and ensuring the proper care to their customers and partners.

Located in an area of ​​25.000m2, in Nova Odessa / SP, Têxtil Guerreiro has Textile weaving, printing and dyeing own. A new building of 10.000m2 in the same area made it possible to also install the same location as the shipping sector which now also works in Nova Odessa. All this favors the faster delivery of the final product.

Currently, the company has a monthly production capacity of 5,000,000 m2 of fabrics in various patterns, producing 100\% vertical.

The factory made a judicious investment and very effective in treating their effluents (liquid) in order not to pollute the environment and comply with all the targets set by CETESB, the body responsible for the sanitation of sewage and the environment in the region. This makes Têxtil Guerreiro a Textile reference for environmental protection.

Têxtil Guerreiro, which has its own headquarters, generates more than 800 direct and indirect jobs. Its developed products are carefully researched and tested in a laboratory to achieve the full satisfaction of its customers. From development to finishing, the company brings to market solutions to its customers that create greater cost savings also develops customized products with high quality "brand" for several companies.

Têxtil Guerreiro has trained professionals in the departments of research, design, development, programming and production control. All clothing is hand-designed with highly skilled workforce, enabling a strict quality control. The commercial department is well structured and has invested in hiring a new team of representatives, ready to provide personalized service to customers.

The open and dynamic Board has placed the company in opposition to the current economic crisis. The Textile Warrior also stands out as one of the companies that invested in equipment and technology in the textile sector in recent years.

Têxtil Guerreiro : A new style to your home.

With a recipe that combines affordability with good design for the new collection brought many new and major renovation.

Find excellence in products and offer a wider range of options to reach consumers is our challenge to meet this demand and we are increasingly investing in productivity, quality and diversification ensuring continuous improvement across our product line.

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Guerreiro Ind Com Imp Exp Ltda

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  • icone de usuario Edneia ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Sao Paulo / SP | Brazil

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