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Galvanotek Embalagens Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



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High Quality Packaging Products

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Galvanotek produces plastic packaging solutions for food packaging, fruit packaging, special pindustrial packaging, packaging for diverse cups/containers, pots and trays, attending the domestic and international market.<br><br>The products of Galvanotek allow the confectioner to explore his imagination, creating new and different products, keeping his competitively. Keep us informed about your necessities. <br><br>Our product lines include the following:<br><br> Confectionery Line: Packaging with protection, practicality and preservation for a varied range of products.<br><br> FLV Line: Technology and safety to transport fruits, legumes and vegetables.<br><br> KeepWell Line: Developed using high technology, quality and efficiency to assure the safety and increase the value of your products.<br><br> Industrial Line: On demand products, designed for a variety of segments.<br><br> Divisory Line: Assures the value of your brand, presenting to the consumer spotless packing.<br><br> SimpliFic Line: Offers practicality for your customer;s daily routine.<br><br> Naturis Line: Developed to attend the needs of flower shop and horticulture sector. The system of locks allow storage in small spaces and better praticality in transport.<br><br> Eastern Line: Functional packaging with modern design developed specifically to take care of the needs to Japanese and Chinese food.<br><br> Bazaar Line: Plastic pots designed in different forms which allows the preservation of a big variety of products<br><br>To access our online catalog to view all of our products and their specifications, click here.<br><br>

  • plastic packaging disposable

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More about
Galvanotek Embalagens Ltda

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10M - 50M

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type

  • disposable packaging

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Jeancarlo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker Carlos Barbosa / RS | Brazil

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