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Fontana S/a

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

The Company Fontana was founded and began its operations in 1934, by Pedro Fontana, individual company, trusting work and insisting on conquesting a market that at that time was very restrict and adverse, with traveling difficulties and a small capital available. The soap factory was small and using craft operating methods. Production at that moment was relatively low and so was product demand.

In 1958, Mr. Pedro Fontana decided to give company management over to his children Cezário and Dinarte Fontana, converting the company in a solidary society, under the new name “Fontana & Cia. Ltda.”

Their dynamism and commercial tact significantly contributed to increase the demand and production, with businesses receiving new encouragement, since then being called Fontana S.A. on May, 1979. That lethargy of the small factory had been taken over giving place to progress agility.

Throughout the years, the industry has been modernized, enlarged and restructured. The Industrial Plan has been equipped with the most advanced machinery on the field, therefore consolidating its position in the National Market.

Nowadays Fontana is placed among the main manufacturers of hygiene and cleaning products in the country and it also has its products exported to several countries.

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Fontana S/a

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Business type

  • company
  • manufactures
  • hygiene
  • cleaning products

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Mauricio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker ENCANTADO / RS | Brazil

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