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Flexioffice Escritórios Flexiveis Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



Meeting Room And Videoconference


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Modernity- Efficiency – Flexibility<br>The event success begins by choose of place where it will be accomplished. Receiving guests in comfortable environments with support of qualified professionals will surely give a special touch to the occasion. The Flexioffice spaces offer full logistical support while you pay only for what they consume.<br><br>Well decorated environments;<br>High Technology with broadband internet access WIFI;<br>Videoconference IP with multipoint system;<br>Audiovisual resources, like Multimedia Projectors high resolution;<br>Audio conference, Tv’s LCD, Flip Chart and White board;<br>Phone lines;<br>Secretarial bilingual assistance, TI, printing.<br><br>Flexioffice provides videoconference with high technology standard, which exempting telephone usage and greatly reduces the final cost. Furthermore, our system allows connection to multiple users simultaneously without losing quality end to end. Make your meetings and expand their business without having to travel.

  • Meeting Room and Videoconference in brazil
  • Well decorated environments
  • High Technology with broadband internet access WIFI

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Flexioffice Escritórios Flexiveis Ltda

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Business type

  • offices
  • virtual offices
  • office in Brazil

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Fernando ********
  • icone de telefone +55 21********
  • map-marker Rio de Janeiro / RJ | Brazil

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