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F K N Industria E Comercio Ltda-Epp

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



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Catholic Articles / Relics

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Falkenberg creates catholic articles and products of all types. To access our online catalog to view and purchase our products, click here. Our products include:<br> Letter Openers with picture (AB)<br> Rings Religious (AN) <br> Earings with pictures (BN)<br> Brooches with pictures (BF)<br> Brooches (BR)<br> Images Brooches (BI)<br> Our Lady of Grace Brooches (BG)<br> St. Benedict Brooches (BB)<br> Key chains with picture (CF )<br> Key chains (CH)<br> Key Chains Images (CI)<br> Our Lady or Grace Key Chains (CG)<br> St. Benedict Key Chains (CB)<br> Wall Crucifixes (CP)<br> Colonial style Wall crucifixes (CQ)<br> Wall crucifixes with Radiances (CS)<br> Table top crucifixes (CM)<br> Colonial style table top crucifixes(CN)<br> Glass table top crucifixes (CV)<br> Metal crosses with picture (ZF)<br> Metal crosses (ZM)<br> St. Benedict Crosses (ZB) <br> Badges (DI)<br> Scapulars (ES)<br> Necklaces with picture (GA)<br> Necklaces (GA) <br> Plaster Images (IG)<br> Table top metal images (IT)<br> Magnets with picture (IF)<br> Images Magnets (II)<br> Bookmarks with pictures (RF)<br> Images Bookmarks (RI)<br> Medals with picture (MF)<br> Medals (MD)<br> Our Lady of Grace Medals (MG)<br> St. Benedict Medals (MB)<br> Table top rosses (MZ)<br> Table top medallions with pictures (MZ)<br> Table top medallions (MZ) <br> Cradle medallions with picture (ME)<br> Door medallions (MP) <br> Holy water font with picture (PA) <br> Pendants with cord crosses with picture (PI)<br> Pendant with cord crosses (PZ)<br> Pendant with cord medals with pictures (PF)<br> Pendant with cord: medals (PO)<br> Pendant with cord: Our Lady of Grace (PG)<br> Pendant with cord: St. Benedict (PB)<br> Pendant with chain crosses with picture (KI)<br> Pendant with chain crosses (KZ) <br> Pendant with chain medals with picture (KF) <br> Pendant with chain medals (KO) <br> Pendant with chain Our Lady of Grace (KG)<br> Pendant with chain St. Benedict (KB)<br> Nativity scenes (PS)<br> Hair fasteners (PR) <br> Bracelets (PU)<br> Table top frames with picture (QF) <br> Table top and wall medallion frames (QM) <br> Rosaries (RO) <br> Rosaries with pictures (TF) <br> Wooden Rosaries (TE) <br> Metal Rosaries (TE)<br> Synthetic material Rosaries (TE)<br> Special Rosaries (TE)<br> One decade Rosaries with picture (DF)<br> One decade Rosaries (DN) <br> Candles with picture (VF) <br><br>

  • catholic christian christ products relics articles religious

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F K N Industria E Comercio Ltda-Epp

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • christian catholic articles goods religious icons items products

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Felipe ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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