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Dsm Trading Company S/a

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Since 2011



About Us

Since 1961 selling and exporting quality products, FAVA BRAZILIAN PRIME MEAT is one of the leading global players in the horse meat market. Vision and efforts of our professionals assure state of the art production and sell chain, and thus top quality of FAVA products. FAVA works exclusively with previously approved slaughterhouses complying with high sanitary standards, in accordance to Brazilian exporting rules and regulations. Special attention to customer needs all around the globe and the constant search for improved technology and logistics grant a competitive position in markets such as Italy, France, The Netherlands, Chile and Japan, among others.

Brazilian Horse Industry

With a head count of 5.6 million, the Brazilian horse industry is a mature structure, comprising business and sports as well as leisure and entertainment. Natural and sociological characteristics of the country make it ideal horse breeding territory. Most indigenous breeds are of Iberian origin, but many international breeds are also strongly represented. Brazilian horses are exported to North America and Europe. The country also holds the world’s second position in horse meat exportation.

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Dsm Trading Company S/a

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Business type

  • leading global players in the horse meat market
  • horse meat exportation. DSM Trading Company S/A. FAVA BRAZILIAN PRIME MEAT

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Sandra ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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