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Destilaria Meneghetti

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Since 2008



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Eucalyptus Essential Oil

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We produce, extract and distill eucalyptus essential oil.<br><br>Distillation Process<br>In the distillery, the eucalyptus leaves are put in dornas, over the boiler, where they will be cooked, and in the distillation process, it is released steam. As it passes through the condensation device, the steam transforms itself into oil and water, where the oil is separated and taken off to be conditioned in one hour. Finally the product is ready to commercialisation, it is the called eucalyptus essential oil. It is stored in standardized drums suited to exportation.<br><br>Organic material recycling<br>Already with no oil, the leaves are recycled and utilized in the process of generating its own energy, kept by the plant. This process does not cause impact to the environment. <br><br>Quality control<br>This is the last step of the process. In the distillery labs several samples of the product are analysed, since the viscosity, transparency, and purity of the eucalyptus oil. After all it is necessary to keep all the oil qualities, 100\% natural, produced over almost two decades by the same family.<br><br>Varieties of eucalyptus<br>From the leaves of these uncountable trees, come the volatile essence that perfumes and produce several balsamic and therapeutic effects. There are three different varieties grown in the woods of the distillery:<br> Citriodora (85\%), <br> Globulos (10\%), and <br> Staigeriana (5\%) <br><br>*These percentages refer to total volume of production.<br><br>Nearly 50\% of the production is destined to exportation<br>It is from these São João do Paraiso woods that one of the best essential oils of the world come from, exported to customers in Europe (England, Germany, France, and Spain among others). Annually, 50\% of the Meneghetti Distillery production is destined to exportation.

  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil

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Destilaria Meneghetti

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Business type

  • eucalyptus
  • essential oil
  • eucalyptus oil

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Maria ********
  • icone de telefone +55 14********
  • map-marker Dois Córregos / SP | Brazil

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