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Dasein Executive Search

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Executive Coach


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At Dasein Executive Search, coaching is developed by experienced and qualified consultants, empowering executives to reach their full potential in their current position or to help them achieve a promotion and excel at a more complex level.<br><br>The application of practical coaching enhances and develops competence in order to create a more effective leadership and balanced emotional condition. Coaching also creates resources to systematize troubleshooting and increase the ability to manage adversity. <br><br>Research proves that the return on this sort of investment is real and very quick, being considered at least seven times bigger than the invested value. <br><br>Objectively, the coaching process brings great improvement to all the levels of relationships the individual has in all their interfaces; it increases the professional commitment as the coachee detects ‘gaps’ through feedback and solid diagnosis and becomes aware of the need for change. Subjective analysis, which often distances the coachee from their goals, ideals and life mission, is always avoided.<br><br>The coaching process exists to remind each person that there are ways of changing potential into result and possibilities into reality. After all, being an effective leader, an efficient negotiator, having an above-average performance, making decisions, balancing personal activities and being able to accomplish goals, are all skills that one learns. And they can be performed increasingly effectively with the support of an executive coach.<br>

  • executive coach training consultant coaching hr management

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Dasein Executive Search

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  • executive search recruitment headhunter assessment coach coaching careers firm management

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  • icone de usuario Adriana ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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