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Cts - Centro De Tecnologia Em Software Ltda

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Since 2012



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Speech & Voice Range Profile


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Vocalgrama is a software developed to analyze the vocal behavior of an individual in the control of the parameters of frequency and intensity of voice. In a simple way, it allows to evaluate the use of voice in speech (SRP - Speech Range Profile) and singing (VRP - Voice Range Profile). <br><br>Furthermore, it provides vocal training and allows to obtain data of the fundamental frequency and durational characteristics of the emission, as the Maximum Phonation Time (MPT).<br><br>Vocalgrama provides real-time visual feedback for sound intensity level (in dB) and pitch (in Hz) of the voice produced by the client and generates singing and speaking voice range profiles including the shouting voice mode.

  • software developed
  • data of the fundamental

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Cts - Centro De Tecnologia Em Software Ltda

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Business type

  • software company developing
  • affordable learning
  • diagnostic
  • and therapy solutions

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luiz ********
  • icone de telefone +55 46********
  • map-marker Pato Branco / PA | Brazil

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