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Communications / Press Relations Services


Rede Publicom ABERJE


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We are a communications agency with a modern and differentiated structure. We focus on the standard of quality of the attending our clients, with internal organization and the utilization of appropriate procedures. <br><br>Agile professionals, proactive, creative and versatile, with vast experience, form the Comunic.ativa team. We have a team with differentiated profile, offering personalized service to the client. We work on all of the stages of strategical planning and use of specific tools. Count on an interaction between all of the sectors, optimizing the execution of the works.<br><br>We provide the following services:<br><br>Press Relations / Accessory: Spreading of the image of the company in the media, through planning and development of strategies, contacts with journalists and accompanying events.<br> Intermediary between customers and the press<br> Strategic planning<br> Coordination and organization of press releases<br> Spreading of action of customers<br> Meeting and organization of press conferences<br> Attending the press at events<br> Report of activities<br> Monitoring and accompanying during crisis<br> Attending to the requests of journalists<br> Evaluation of results<br><br>Relationship with Press, Clients and Market: Development of action of relationship with clients, the press and market; institutional actions and organization of events:<br> Actions differentiated in strategical dates<br> Institutional Research<br> Organization of mailing<br> Planning and execution of corporative events<br> Planning of Accessory of Institutional Public Relations<br> To establish and to consolidate communication channels with the press and market<br><br>Publications: Writing of text, edition accompaniment, diagramming and impression. <br> Newspapers<br> Magazines<br> Newsletters<br> Informative<br> Sites<br><br>Media Training: Specific training of attending to the press and aiming to prepare spokesmen of the companies. <br> Lectures with national journalists<br> Practical Training<br> Presentation of theoretical content<br><br>Clipping: Daily monitoring of news published in newspapers, local sites and magazines with information of interest of the companies. <br> Reports of evaluation<br> Monthly books<br> Daily Clipping<br><br>Crisis Management: Orientation of the client in situations of crisis on as to act, adopting measured in skillful time to minimize the impact of negative situations to the image of the company with the press and public opinion. <br> Accompaniment of the customer<br> Notes of clarification<br> Preparation of voices<br> Report<br><br>Event Coordination: Accessory for accomplishment of corporative events. <br> Organization of mailing<br> Act of contract of services<br> Accompaniment

  • comunicativa Communications Agency press relations crisi management public media training clipping

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500K - 1M

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Business type

  • Communications Agency press relations crisi management public media training clipping

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario maria ********
  • icone de telefone +55 71********
  • map-marker salvador / BA | Brazil

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