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Compensados Império Ltda. - Masterpiso

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Each wood species from Masterpiso has its unique characteristics that are observed from the receipt of the wood in our factory when you start a rigorous process of selection and that extends to the end product.

Throughout the process there is an interference of people with their experience perfectly complement the work performed by the equipment.

The end result of this integration is a high quality final product that is installed in homes in cities like Paris, Milan, Barcelona, Istanbul, Chicago, Buenos Aires, Lima, Santiago, Bogota, Sao Paulo and Curitiba.

The moment you choose a product Masterpiso this becomes the most faithful translation of our pride and also our most significant responsibilities.

More about
Compensados Império Ltda. - Masterpiso

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Business type

  • Masterpiso
  • wood
  • paneling
  • floor
  • panels

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Jonas ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker CURITIBA / PA | Brazil

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