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Ccm Maquinas E Motores Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

CCM DO BRASIL, a leading company in the Brazilian market of brushcutters and coffee harvesters, manufactures and exports to major Latin American markets the NAKASHI brushcutters and coffee harvesters produced in Brazil with Japanese technology and powered with Mitsubishi or Kawasaki engines

Our leadership in the Brazilian market stems from our decision to produce equipment of the highest quality available in the world markets. Therefore, we use the best raw materials and the best manufacturing processes, ensuring durability to each of its components.

As the best machine is only perfect if you have the best service, we offer full parts availability at competitive prices to insure proper maintenance and satisfaction to our customers.

More about
Ccm Maquinas E Motores Ltda

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Business type

  • coffee stripping machines and trimmers for coffee

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Edi ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker CURITIBA / PA | Brazil

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