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Career Center Consultoria Em Recursos Humanos Ltda.

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Since 2008



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Career Center Corporate


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Career Center Corporate is a division of Career Center specialized in career management, outplacement, coaching and organizational development. It belongs to Arbóra - Global Career Partners, an international alliance which groups companies specialized in career development and management and provides outplacement and coaching services. It has offices in 25 countries in Europe, America and Asia.<br><br>All Career Center Corporate programs were designed based on the following principles:<br><br>(1) The strategic and critical view of career management in the company; <br>(2) Understanding the organization\s requirements concerning the development of leaders and talents; <br>(3) Broad relationship and knowledge of the market and businesses; <br>(4) Customized service; and<br>(5) Focus on results.<br><br>Career Center Corporate stands out for its consultants\ capacity to diagnose, plan, assist in the reflection and direct the plans and professional ambition of the assisted executives, while addressing the organization needs. Our work is marked by expediency, professionalism and the search for innovative solutions.<br><br>Main programs:<br> Outplacement <br> Executive Coaching <br> Counseling - career planning and counseling <br> Corporate life retirement <br> Career counseling for young adults and talent retention programs <br> Assessment <br> Leadership development <br> Special projects and workshops<br><br>Please contact us for more information.

  • human resources careers

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Career Center Consultoria Em Recursos Humanos Ltda.

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Business type

  • career center human resources

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Karin ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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