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Capela Gonçalves Advogados

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2019



About Us

We are a law firm with customer service focused on the needs of businesses, notably in the areas of civil, labor, tax, debt recovery and cooperative contracts.
Our work involves the consultative part (analysis of issues brought by customers, assisting them in making decisions), as well as the litigation (acting in the best interests of clients through the filing of actions and/or presentation of defenses in contrary actions).
We live in continuous growth and we have important clients in our portfolio, such as housing cooperatives, industry, service providers, importers, etc.
With great pride and humility, we inform you that our Office is on the list of the most admired 2018, Análise Advocacia 500 Yearbook.
We are certain that we can add value to your business!
We await your return to schedule a meeting.
Best regards.

Daniela Martins Madathil

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • South America
  • Southwest Asia
  • Western Europe

More about
Capela Gonçalves Advogados

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100K - 200K

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Business Service
  • Other

  • Legal Advice

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Daniela ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Osasco / SP | Brazil

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