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Bausano Do Brasil Comércio Importação E Exportação Ltda

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Since 2012



About Us

The history of Bausano & Figli S.p.a. begins in 1946, when Clemente Bausano established the Costruzioni Meccaniche Clemente Bausano in Rivarolo Canavese, a small town 30 km far from Turin.

The company was established with the intention of producing twin screw extruders for plastics, in the post-war period when great efforts were necessary to rebuild society and industry. It was in 1946 that the first Bausano extruder was completed, the TR model, with two penetrating and counter-rotating screws, the same method that was to be used in all the later machines.

In 1962 the Costruzioni Meccaniche Clemente Bausano was moved for reasons of space from the centre to the outskirts of Rivarolo where, after various extensions, the current headquarters are still located.
The legal status of the company also changed, and it took on its current name of Bausano & Figli S.p.a.

Bausano & Figli S.p.a. is aware of the fundamental importance of research and development in the creation of value for the customer. For this reason, the constant study of new products and applications, such as expanded materials and multilayer extrusion, has enabled Bausano & Figli S.p.a. to hold and continue to hold a leading position in its sector.

The commitment of Bausano & Figli S.p.a. is towards continuing in this direction to ensure that we are always able to satisfy the new and increasingly complex requirements that the customers will have in the future.

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Bausano Do Brasil Comércio Importação E Exportação Ltda

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Business type

  • Bausano
  • screw extruders for plastics
  • multilayer extrusion

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Chrystalino-Paula ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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