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Baía Madeiras Renováveis

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Sadi João Romani and his wife, started the business in July 1962, in Ponte Serrada SC. By installing a small sawmill to breakdown of hardwood timber, and precursors in the industrialization of Imbuia (ocotea porous) in the region.

In 1969, being the first plantings of native trees (Araucaria pine and Imbuia) and exotic (pine and eucalyptus)

In 1977, the company initiated the process of optimization of raw material through the deployment of native plants of compensated square, attending the domestic market.

In 1984, the company intensified reforestation efforts, especially of pine, through the use of techniques of management of planted forests.

In 1989, the company made our first exports.

In 1999, the company enters the use of forests for the second cycle (pine reforestation) and incorporates new technologies in the industry using machines and advanced methods.

Current data:
  • Currently, the company has about 2,000 acres of forest and 300 hectares of native forests.
  • Industrial area of 130,000 square meters and covered area of 10,000 square meters.
  • Direct employees of 70 people.
  • Is implementing the GIBA - Gestão Inteligente Baía de Qualidade Total (i.e., Intelligent Management of Total Quality)
  • An annual manufacturing capacity of 60,000 interior doors and processing of 20,000 cubic meters of sawn timber into value-added products.
  • Meets the domestic market in Brazil; and markets outside to American, European, Japanese, Middle East and the Caribbean markets.

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    Baía Madeiras Renováveis

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    Business type

    • pine wood door frame baia

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Gilmar ********
    • icone de telefone +55 49********
    • map-marker Ponte Serrada / SC | Brazil

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