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Atlantica Maq Ind. E Com. De Máquinas Ltda.

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Since 2012



Blocks And Materials For Producing Blocks

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We quarry materials for producing blocks and also produce blocks.<br><br>EXAMPLE OF CONSUMPTION FOR 1.000 OF THE PRODUCED BLOCKS<br> <br>BARRIER BLOCKS OF 10 (09x19x39cm) (COMMON) = 4,5 m³ of material<br>Mixed Pedrisco (0) = 09 cement bags<br>Sand medium/thick = 12 cement bags<br><br>BARRIER BLOCKS OF 15 (14x19x39cm) (COMMON) = 6,0 m³ of material<br>Mixed Pedrisco (0) = 12 cement bags<br>Sand medium/thick = 16 cement bags<br> <br>BARRIER BLOCKS OF 20 (19x19x39cm) (COMMON) = 8,0 m³ of material<br>Mixed Pedrisco (0) = 16 cement bags<br>Sand medium/thick = 24 cement bags<br> <br>STRUCTURAL BLOCKS OF 15 (14x19x39cm) = 8,5 m³ of material<br>being: 5,5 m³ of sand medium/thick + 3 m³ of pedrisco (0)<br>Consumption of Cement = 35 Cement Bags<br> <br>STRUCTURAL BLOCKS OF 20 (19x19x39cm) = 12,0 m³ of material<br>being: 8 m³ of sand medium/thick + 4 m³ of pedrisco (0)<br>Consumption of Cement = 50 Cement Bags<br> <br>THESE TRACES ARE BÁSICS BEING ABLE TO BE MODIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NECESSITY OF THE CUSTOMER<br> <br>TRACE AND CONSUMPTION OF MATERIAL FOR PRODUCTION OF BLOCK OF PAVING<br><br>BASIC TRACE COMMERCIAL:<br>Reminding that paving is produced and marketed by m².<br><br>40 Liters of Sand thick/average + 40 liters of Pedrisco (0) or Rock (0,5) + 20 Liters of Cement <br>or<br>60 Liters of Sand thick/average + 20 Liters of Cement<br><br>Obs: It can be added coloring in a maximum proportion of 5\% of the used amount of the cement.<br><br>Income approached of this trace:<br>In the floors of 5cm of height: until 1,40m²<br>In the floors of 8cm of height: until 0,85m²<br><br>WE MUST KNOW THAT THE MATERIALS THICKEST, DELAY MORE TO COMPACT, HAVE LITTLE FINISHING AND CONSUME THE EQUIPMENT MORE QUICKLY.<br> <br>Our machines currently, are the only ones of the market, that has the capacity to more than confection 180 drawings and dimensions of different blocks, only changing the forms (or molds).

  • Blocks and Materials for Producing Blocks

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Atlantica Maq Ind. E Com. De Máquinas Ltda.

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Business type

  • cement blocks construction cinder block

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marcelo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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