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Apligraf Aplicativos & Graficos Ltda.

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Since 2008



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Financial Data Services For Individual Investors And Institutional Investors


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Service area:


Individual Investor or "Non-Professional" is any individual user who uses the service solely for their own benefit without commercial purposes and not to use in their professional activities. Included in that category the individuals who use the information to their own choice of investments.<br><br><br>Institutional Investor or "Professional" is anyone who uses the service for use in their professional activities or which transfers the information of service to individuals or institutions. Included in that category people such as legal institutions, financial corporations, businesses, foundations, associations, websites, providers, news agencies, the media, among others. To be considered, too, the traders in general, operators of table, market analysts and other people involved professionally with intermediation, provision of services and consultancy in the capital market.<br><br><br>PRODUCTS:<br><br><br>SmartStation Advanced: Written in language C and C + + and is updated in real time by any diffusive of data that feed the Excel. It can be updated via the Internet, information bulletin of the Bovespa (BDI), newsletter of the BM & F, Sum, etc. The SmartStation Advanced functions as DDE server, enabling the upgrade of quotations in Excel spreadsheets.<br><br><br>SmartQuote: Display of Prices and News - allows the creation of screens of quotes, news and a series of pre-configured screens. To use this product you must have the product SmartFeeder installed on the same machine - the SmartQuote not working alone, or independently of SmartFeeder. <br><br><br>SmartFeeder: Software for transmission of quotations and news in real time. The SmartFeeder receives the prices of assets via the Internet and update other software such as spreadsheets and graphics in real time. It is the only means to update SmartQuote, the canvas of our product prices and news. <br><br><br>SmartData: Download Price (daily and intraday) to upgrade the main software for technical analysis of the world market. Contracting with the SmartData, log into the site of Apligraf appears in the section My Site option "SmartData" where they can be made the downloads of the files to update. <br><br><br>FREE TRIAL OFFER: If you\re part of the financial market, either as trader, investor or a professional researcher and have not yet had the opportunity to meet the "SmartStation", this may be a good opportunity to test it for free for 15 days! <br>

  • financial data software investors

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Apligraf Aplicativos & Graficos Ltda.

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2M - 10M

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Business type

  • financial data services software bovespa investors

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Maristela ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / RJ | Brazil

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