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Angelus - Science And Technology

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Since the inauguration of ANGELUS on September 20th, 1994, our ultimate goal in business is clear: the creation of solutions for Dentistry, based on science and technology, through the association with the academic, technical and scientific sectors.

Universities and research centers have always played a fundamental role in the development of our products. Our philosophy is that the scientist should be involved in all stages of a project, from the initial planning to the final laboratory and clinical testing.

Therefore, the largest part of our resources is aimed towards Research and Development, which has generated astounding results. Today ANGELUS is acknowledged for its vast competency in working connected to universities and research centers.

These are the paths taken by ANGELUS to reach the level of excellence of the greatest companies worldwide. We are beginning a new era, projecting ourselves in a competitive scenario, where quality is not only a policy but a commitment to science and to our clients. We will keep searching for new challenges and, with your support, we are confident that, in the future, we will be able to amplify the accomplishments reached in the last 10 years.

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Angelus - Science And Technology

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Business type

  • dentist
  • dental
  • teeth
  • angelus

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marco ********
  • icone de telefone +55 43********
  • map-marker LONDRINA / PA | Brazil

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