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Alexandre Pinho Campelo Me

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Since 2012



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Accounting And Audit Services


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We provide the following accounting, audit and related services:<br><br>1. Accounting Skills: The skills AC BRAZIL performs judicial tax, civil, commercial, labor, economic and financial. In these areas, we have issued reports concluding statements in litigation, and as technical assistants, elaborate issues, litigation strategies, technical advice, challenges to reports and calculations, and, if required, attendance at hearings.<br><br>2. Litigation: Support in disputes of an economic, financial, business, tax, etc.. The hiring of AC BRAZIL may be useful in the following circumstances: - Challenges court; - Damage and loss of profits arising; - Fraud and asset tracking; Bank Insolvency; - Claims for damages; - Support settlement; - Breach of contract.<br><br>3. Financial calculations: Prepare audited financial calculations and currency updates, surveys contractual charges on loans (overdraft, leasing, CDC, credit cards, etc.), finance (housing finance system, commercial bills of credit, etc.), for legal purposes and extrajudicial.<br><br>4. Gatherings of Tax Audit: The audit aims to determine whether the tax collections made ​​by the companies are in conssonância with the law, consisting also of a review of the basis for calculating monthly income tax, social contribution, PIS, COFINS ISSQN, VAT, social security contributions etc.., a given fiscal year.<br><br>5. Tax Audit Procedures: Audit of CA procedures would aim BRAZIL verify the observance of the company\s ancillary obligations required by Federal tax authorities, state and city, including the checking of documentation and tax records in a given fiscal year.

  • Accounting and Audit Services

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Alexandre Pinho Campelo Me

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Business type

  • accounting and auditing expertise

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario ALEXANDRE ********
  • icone de telefone +55 71********
  • map-marker SALVADOR / BA | Brazil

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