Aker Firewall 6.1 provides the implementation of advanced security measures for corporative networks and systems connected to the Internet: Security, Availability, Reliability and Privacy.<br> <br>Four packages software, each one with special capabilities, can be integrated with the Firewall: Aker Secure Roaming which allows secure remote access to corporate networks through the Internet; Aker Web Content Analyzer which limits user access only to sites with previously authorized content; Aker Configuration Manager which manages from a single point, a large number of firewalls in a simple and effective manner; and the Aker Log Analyzer which generates customized reports on network NAT.<br><br>Aker also offer solutions such as:<br><br>Anti-SPAM<br>Antivirus<br>Attack Control<br>Remote Acess<br>Secure Access<br>Web Access Control<br>Bandwidth Control - QoS<br>MSN Control<br>Productivity<br>VPN<br>
- aker firewall 6.1
- aker firewall
- internet security
- privacy
- aker secure roaming
- secure remote access
- anti-spam
- anti spam
- antivirus
- attack control
- secure access
- web access control
- bandwith control
- qos
- msn control
- productivity
- vpn
More about
Aker Consultoria E Informática Ltda
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Business type
- Aker Security Solution
- information secutiry solutions
- firewall
- vpn
- virtual private network
- protection and security for connections
- content filtering
- anti-spam Ver Mais
Contact and location
Rodrigo ********
+55 61********
Brasília / DF | Brazil