MARKETING Consumer direct, inbound, outbound, etc. <br /> MULTIMEDIA: Photos, production, editing, mixing, etc. <br /> Advertising <br /> SOCIAL NETWORKS: analysis, apertura & Maintenance pages, creating content, photos, posters and others. <br /> Public relations, <br /> Customer service Service / SAC <br /> WEB DESIGN Graphic Corel Draw, <br /> WEB EDITOR with Front Page: creating lightweight mobile pages fit. <br /> WEBMASTER outreach to micro enterprises in the portal itself <br /><br />
- journalist
- translator
- negotiator
- exports
- imports
- technical support
- partner
- agent
- representative
- trainer
- coach
- Outsourced
- qualifier
- consultant
- supplier
- advisor
- research
- projects
- auditor
- agent of change
More about
Agustin Salvador Jordan Palma de Almeida - CNPJ 14 atividades - Multifuncional, Multipropósito
100K - 200K
Sales volume (USD)
Not informed
Business type
- Buying Office
- Business Service
- Other
- jornalista
- tradutor
- negociador
- exportações
- importações
- suporte técnico
- parceiro
- preposto
- representante
- capacitador
- treinador
- tercerizado
- qualificador
- consultor
- fornecedor
- conselheiro
- pesquisa
- projetos
- auditor
- agente de mudança
- marketing
- redator
- pesquisador
- promotor
- assessor
- webmaster
- webeditor
- redator redes sociais
- gerente
- diretor
- coordenador
- supervisor
- sócio
- melhoria permanente
- 6sigma
- administrador
- redes
- wifi
- comprador Ver Mais
Contact and location
Agustin ********
+55 15********
pilar do sul / SP | Brazil