Origin: The cultivar ‘Baigent’ was discovered as a natural mutation of ‘Royal Gala’ by Brookfield New Zealand Limited on an orchard in Hawke’s Bay in January, 1985. It was found on a branch of a tree being part of the original release of FSV (free of specified virus) ‘Royal Gala’ trees available in New Zealandin the early 1980s.<br>Harvest: The harvest period begins in late January and finishes in February depending on climatic conditions such as flowering time and temperature. Red color develops earlier and higher than for ‘Royal Gala’ (about 15 days). Because it colors early it can usually be harvested in two picks. The early and high color factor also avoids the need to wait for color development, and enables fruit to be harvested at optimum internal maturity for high eating quality. <br>Fruit: The fruit of cultivar ‘Baigent’ are distinguished by particularly early red coloring throughout the tree. They have a distinctive appearance of predominantly bright red color and flecks of ground color overlain by a bold darker red stripe pattern that extends over the fruit at harvest maturity.<br>
- apple
- brookfield
- baigent
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Agro Industrial Lazzeri S/a.
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Business type
- agriculture
- flowers
- fruit
- plants
- apple
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Ricardo ********
+55 54********
Vacaria / RS | Brazil