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Ae Consultorias & Serviços

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Since 2015



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Business Consulting - Gesture


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Service area:


Business Consulting facing the management and service support to managers or business owners to assist in making strategic decisions with great impact on current and future results of the organization.<br />
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The focus of the consultancy is to define the best action alternative in a business environment full of uncertainties, risks, competition and<br />
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unknown possibilities, which represent for company managers a complex and very important problem.<br />
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Today, the consultancy is widely used formally within companies, however, not limited to them. The business challenges are bigger and more serious. The loss of control, the relentless pursuit of cost savings, changes in laws and regulations, the fragmentation of activities are examples of the current difficulties that prove the urgency of knowledge within organizations. So many companies seek in the external environment that knowledge so that they can receive a more critical and unbiased view to help them.<br />
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The specific objectives of the consulting business made by AE Consulting & Services proposes:<br />
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make a diagnosis of the company's functional areas in question;<br />
identify their strengths and weaknesses;<br />
identify its threats and opportunities;<br />
propose solutions and specific changes to the areas deemed most in need after the analysis.<br />
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The challenges factors found within a company are not finite. In every age the company has been a factor that has to be dealt with more priority, but generally this same factor is connected to several others. A is solved, the next begins which is connected to the first and so on.<br />
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Managers must always be in constant monitoring with everything that happens and go adapting the company in accordance with the requirements of the day. However, with the acceleration of the market, the need for speed in decision-making and especially the changes that the market demands, constantly consulting is a great option and it becomes essential within the organization.

  • consulting
  • management
  • people management
  • management departments
  • advice

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Ae Consultorias & Serviços

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Business type
  • Business Service
  • Other

  • consulting
  • coach
  • engineering
  • computer science
  • IT
  • administration
  • advice
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Eliezer ********
  • icone de telefone +55 35********
  • map-marker Itajubá / MG | Brazil

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