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Since 2008



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School Artistic Supplies

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The Acrilex School Line is ideal for children\s work, artistic and educational, helping children at the learning of writing in the development of their motor coordination and their creativity through painting. It is fun and educational at the same time! <br><br>The products from the Acrilex School Line are as follows. <br> Glue stick <br> Glitter Glue <br> Crystal Cola <br> Acrilpen <br> White glue <br> Cola Color <br> Nankin <br> Papier Macho <br> Quench gouaches <br> The Finger Painting <br> PVA paint for Crafts <br> Gouache Multi Use <br> Tempera gouache Fantasy <br> Plastic Paint - Plastic Ink School <br> Mass of Model <br> Massinha of Shaping Soft <br> Chalk Wax Triangular <br> Cola to E.V.A. and Styrofoam <br> Chalk Wax <br> Colorful Canetinhas <br> Fluorpen <br> Soft Teen Mechanical Pencil <br> Color Pencils <br> Black Pencil <br> Coloring pencils Aquarelável <br> Big Canetinhas Hidrográficas <br> Big coloring pencils<br><br>To access our online catalog to view all of our products and their specifications, click here.

  • School Artistic Supplies

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Business type

  • Artistic Paints art materials supplies

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Sergio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Bernardo Do Campo / SP | Brazil

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